my story

Hello! I’m Billy Hamilton, a Multimedia Designer from Arlington Heights, IL with 10 years of experience working for diverse brands across the ecommerce and entertainment industries.

After receiving my BA degree from Carthage College, I put my design skills to use at a company called Custom Personalization Solutions. For 4 years, I made the ecommerce world a better place by creating aesthetically pleasing designs for emails, websites, and social.
I eventually decided to move forward with my journey and try out freelance life. I worked on exciting projects for Chicago agencies such as Zeno Group and Ogilvy. It was an exhilarating year and I gained an immense amount of knowledge about the industry and myself. The most notable personal discovery was an increasing interest in motion graphics and video editing.
In 2019, I landed a job with Redbox and immediately began to incorporate motion/animation into anything I was working on. The creative team recognized my talent and used that opportunity to throw bigger and bigger video projects my way. For the first time in my life, I felt that sense of work not feeling like work at all because it was so ridiculously fun.
And that brings us all the way to the present moment! My passion is stronger than ever and I feel so lucky to be able to put that to great use every day. For a more detailed look at all my professional experience, please click on the resume link below.